Days of Fast and Abstinence in the Philippines


4) Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord – December 23 (The Sacred Congregation of the Council has approved that the obligation of fast and abstinence on the Vigil of Christmas [which is December 24] will be observed on the day preceding the same Vigil [hence, December 23]; if the 23rd falls on a Sunday or feast day of obligation, the fasting and abstinence will be on December 22.)


1) All Fridays of Lent


binds all Catholics from the age of 21 until the beginning of 60.** It prescribes that there should be only one full meal on the day appointed. However, two meatless light meals or snacks (also called collation), sufficient to maintain strength according to one’s needs, may be taken during the day (in the morning and in the evening), but added together they should not equal another full meal .

On the day of fast, meat may be taken at the principal meal only, except when it is a day of complete abstinence when no meat may be taken at all. One may also exchange the evening light meal with the day’s principal full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but drinking liquids such as coffee, milk, tea, juice, etc. is allowed.

binds all faithful that have reached the age of 7. It forbids the eating of meat and other combinations of flesh-meat on the days prohibited. Soups and gravy made from meat are also forbidden, but eggs and milk are allowed. The number of meals and their quantity are not affected by this law.

(Note: Some places observe “partial abstinence” wherein meat and soup or gravy made from meat may be taken only once a day at the principal meal. However, i n the Philippines, there is no “partial abstinence” – either it is complete or it is not required.)

There is no obligation for fast or abstinence on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation (even if it falls on a Friday). Where health or ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige; however, it is best that a traditional priest or confessor should be consulted especially in cases of doubt.

For the supplemental explanation provided by Fr. Gerard McKee, CMRI on fasting and abstinence as traditionally observed in the Philippines, please read here.

* It is a mortal sin for a Catholic to neglect the applicable laws for fasting and abstinence, unless by reason of sickness or other sufficient cause a dispensation be granted to them.

** The
“beginning of the 60th year” is on one’s 59 th birthday.

For any questions or clarifications, please discuss with the